Cancellation & Refund

Cancellation Policy

Under this policy:

  1. Cancellations will be considered only if the request is made within 72 hours of placing an order.
  2. In case of receipt of damaged or defective items please report the same to our Customer Service team. This should be reported within 15 days of receipt of the products.
  3. In case you feel that the product received is not as shown on the site or as per your expected requirements, kindly bring it to the notice of our customer service within 24 hours of receiving the product.

Refund Policy

When you buy our products or services, your purchase is covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are, for any reason, not entirely happy with your purchase, we will be happy to refund you completely.

To request a refund, simply contact us with your purchase details within thirty (30) days of your purchase. Please include your order number (sent to you via email after ordering). Refunds are not being provided for services delivered in full such as installation service and provided knowledge base hosting service. The Refunds are being processed within 21 days period.

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